Our Mission

We are a collaboration between the Eindhoven University of Technology, Erasmus Medical Center and Radboud University Medical Center. Our goal is to better understand sepsis and use developments in biosensing and computational modelling to improve the detection and treatment of sepsis in preterm neonates and adults. 


Our project is supported by a multidisciplinary team of researchers with links to clinical, academic and industrial partners.

Natal van Riel

Professor of Biomedical Systems Biology

Natal van Riel is Professor of Biomedical Systems Biology at the department of Biomedical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology. His research focuses on modelling of metabolic networks and physiology, machine learning for parameter estimation, methods for analysis of dynamic models, and applications in a range of diseases. He develops Digital Twins of human individuals to enable predictive, preventive, personalized, and participatory medicine.

Birgit Koch

Professor of Clinical Pharmacometrics

Birgit Koch is a Hospital Pharmacist-Clinical Pharmacologist and Professor at Erasmus MC, group of Clinical Pharmacometrics. She focusses on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicology. Her research focuses on alternative matrices, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs in special populations and toxicology during pregnancy.

Menno Prins

Professor of Molecular Biosensing

Menno Prins is Professor of Molecular Biosensing at Eindhoven University of Technology. He develops real-time sensing technologies to continuously monitor low-concentration proteins and small molecules with single-molecule resolution. Furthermore, he is co-founder of Helia Biomonitoring.

Matthijs Kox

Assistant Professor of Intensive Care Medicine

Matthijs Kox is Assistant Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at Radboud UMC. His research focuses on modulation of the immune response in a variety of Intensive Care-related conditions. He is involved with projects ranging from sepsis-induced immunoparalysis, immune (de)activation after trauma, COVID-19, and novel ways to nonpharmacologically modulate the immune system. With his research he aims to contribute to the reduction of mortality of critically ill patients on the Intensive Care Unit.

Rob Taal

Pediatrician and Neonatologist

Rob Taal is Pediatrician and Neonatologist at Erasmus MC Sophia Children’s Hospital. He and his colleagues care for young children and other newborns with critical problems in the Neonatology intensive care unit. His research aims to further improve the care for their individual patients.

Freek Relouw

PhD Cadidate

Freek Relouw is PhD candidate at Eindhoven University of Technology, Erasmus MC and Radboud UMC. His background is in Biomedical Engineering and Applied Physics. He aims at researching and developing improved methods for sepsis detection and treatment using vital signs, continuous biomarker monitoring and biomedical modelling. To develop a patient Digital Twin he will combine both model and data driven approaches (hybrid modelling). 

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about collaborations, new projects and other opportunities.